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Canadian Institute
for Transpersonal and Integrative Sciences

International Council of Integrative Medicine, (Victoria, Australia)
American Association of Integrative Medicine (Missouri, USA)
Angkor Institute of Consciousness (Paris, France)
Wild Rose College (British Columbia, Canada)
Office of Paranormal Investigation (California, USA)
Institute for Transpersonal Psychology* (California, USA)
Spiritual Emergence Centre Foundation (British Columbia, Canada)

     The Canadian Institute for Transpersonal and Integrative Sciences is an organization devoted to sharing and promoting emerging counselling approaches, health sciences and alternative technologies that emphasize organic resources, nature's strategies and self-empowerment. These include ancient, contemporary and emerging or futuristic sciences -- personal, transpersonal, medical, spiritual, techno-logical, eco-logical and more.

     Inspired by the work of Australian neurologist and forensic psychologist Dr. R. H. Brian Costello and Canadian integrative medicine pioneer Dr. Max Vogel, the Institute promotes international academic exchanges in the form of individual, peer, group and community education and collaborations. The intent is both to attract international leading-edge healing and scientific resources, training and services to Canada, and to share Canadian talents and breakthroughs with the international community.

      CITIS operates and houses two academically significant libraries in Calgary, providing associates with unique research resources (dating back almost five centuries), and regional and international collaborative opportunities.  The institute provides visiting scholars with access to our peers, offices and our library, while offering local organizations and individuals access to these scholars.

     Most CITIS programs are shared and provided for lay and professionals alike. Many programs are registered and certified academically and offer accredited Continuing Education Units (CEU) for professionals.




with Dr. Beth Hedva



Programs (2024-25)

 Advanced Programs 



Join an international, eclectic community of peers dedicated to integrative, embodied healing practices. Helpers, Healers and Educators working in Medicine, Psychology, Social Work, Counselling, Coaching, Body Oriented Therapies, Recovery Counselling and more



 Psychology Counselling,
Consulting, Training and Lectures

Individual and Family Counselling
Individual and Community Trauma Recovery

 with Dr. Beth Hedva

Communication Impact Strategies
Design Impact Science
Human Response
Art Therapies
and more
with Harold Finkleman

All programs can be customized to you or your organization's needs

phone: (403) 244-8474


Shared (free): First Chapter with Exercises

This chapter details a stand-alone healing strategy program
from Beth Hedva's award-winning self-help book:

Betrayal, Trust and Forgiveness


 Shared (free): Workshop on Paper

The World of Symbols:
The Divine Feminine and the Archetype of Birth

 (fun, interesting and worthy of study ... but will be updated)  


CITIS International Outreach Activities:

Mass Trauma Recovery and Community Healing

Indonesian Tsunami 2004
(deadliest environmental disaster of the Century ...
click here)

Hatian Earthquake 2010
(2nd deadliest environmental disaster of the Century ... click here)

Trauma Recovery in Cambodia 2020
post-war multi-generational community trauma ... click here)

(click for): Paper presented by Dr Beth Hedva
at United Nations Conference in New York


International Techno-logic Outreach:

for a Rapidly Warming World
CITIS committment to provide a paradigm shift
for 5 billion people required to live with
higher temperatures and higher energy prices:

Replacing expensive systems
that make large amounts of cooling at great cost,
with inexpensive systems
that make smaller amounts of cooling for free.

 Harold Finkleman

phone: +1(403) 244-8474


A sampling of CITIS's

With a focus on higher levels of healing,
Dr. Patrick Tribble
with Champion Downhill Skier Dave Irwin
and Artist/Designer Lynn Harrison
Patrick with Dave Irwin and Lynn Harrison

     Blending postgraduate work in both chiropractic orthopedics and chiropractic neurology with advanced work in naturopathics, functional blood chemistry and nutrition, Patrick has been a healer and consultant in California's Bay area for more than 35 years.
     The Institute has brought Dr. Tribble to Calgary as a practitioner and to
teach Embodied Awareness and Medical Ethics annually since 2013
     Acknowledged beyond the broader fields of health, psychology and an assortment of eastern and esoteric sciences, his healing advice appears in books such as The Intuitive Healer by Marcia Emery and The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne. Among other unique tools,
Patrick has used functional blood chemistry to help identify and
determine effective nutritional treatments.


Visiting scholar Particle Physicist Dr Cao Dayong
and wife Wang Lijie -- in apres ski wear at the Institute in Banff.

     Dayong is credited as the first to identify and then quantify how brain waves affect the performance of photovoltaic cells remotely -- from a measurable distance. This openned the door to remote thought-switches -- remote (over a distance, eg: from two feet away) think-on/think-off switches, similar to clap-on/clap-off switches using impacting mental images -- and other neuro frequency opportunities that for many would seem psychical by nature.  
Cao Dayong and wife Wang Lijie
     Speaking no English and using interpreters, Dr. Cao approached CITIS Chairman Harold Finkleman at the 2005 ICP conference in San Diego, inviting him to Beijing to help with the work later that year. Four years later, on his way back to China after presenting his work at the American Physics Association in Washington, DC, Dayong stopped in Calgary to meet and share his work with professors, mathematicians and others interested in this science. He has returned twice.
     His current research extends into Dark Matter and explaining the Dark Comet hypothesese and opening doors to discuss the anticipated human neurological (and physiological) impact.
     The following is a detailed abstract of the first technical paper he self-wrote in English:


Visiting scholars Psychologist Carol Heller
and Movement Psychologist Dr.
Stuart Heller
guiding Dr. Beth Hedva (right) in Mind/Body Movement Practice

Carol and Dr Stuart Heller with Dr Beth Hedva
     Next generation healer, personal trainer and consultant Dr. Stuart Heller is acknowledged as a leader on the cutting edge of multiple disciplines: martial arts, education, meditation, scientific systems thinking, computer programming, somatology, Chinese medicine and psychology. His PhD in Psychology and Health Systems Science is supported with both a Mathematics degreea and Masters of Science in Operations Research. Author of The Dance of Becoming: Living Life as a Martial Art, his work with his wife Carol specializes in helping people to higher levels of self empowerment and awareness; helping individuals develop, build upon and better utilize their presence, power and influence. At CITIS, his limited workshops are usually full. He also provides private consultations.

Walking Your Talk



Emotional Healing and Renewal
for Youth, Families and Community

2008-09 program subsidized in part by TELUS (Thank You)
Roots 4 Peace

Traditional Healer Kim Haxton BA, HBOR, Elder Grandmother Sara Smith and Dr. Beth Hedva

To read the update and see pictures with some of the participants ...

Office of Paranormal Investigation (California, USA)  Professor Lloyd Auerbach
Institute for Transpersonal Psychology

